Marisa's Meatballs with Polenta

Traditionally polenta was poured directly onto a table and the meat placed on top - plates and cutlery were a luxury. The family used their hands and scooped off polenta and sauce. Marisa's meatball recipe is quick and easy: for 6 or so people you will need:

  • 500g minced beef
  • 1 good quality pork sausage, skin removed and crumbled
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed
  • 40g parmigiano reggiano, grated
  • 1 free range egg
  • 1 thick slice white bread, soaked in milk, the excess squeezed out
  • salt, black pepper

Mix all these ingredients together and roll them in apricot - or walnut if you prefer - size balls.

For the tomato sauce, fry a chopped onion in a little olive oil and add a bottle of tomato passata, plus a mug of water. Simmer until reduced a little. Add the meatballs and continue to simmer for around 15 minutes. Don't stir too much or you'll damage the meatballs.

For the polenta: follow the brand's instructions! Or go crazy and make some mashed potatoes (a British not Italian thing to do).